Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Commercial Culture
Friday, June 8, 2012
United at last!
"I feel like Indiana Jones, because you are the treasure I am looking for!"
We're both delightfully busy with our summer nanny jobs. She has two girls ages 8 and 10, and I have to boys (plus the baby) ages 8 and 10. We're already plotting the inevitable weddings.
Keeping the boy's day packed with activities = less time for them to find ways to reap havoc. We've already been to the adoration chapel, signed up and turned in our first summer reading sheets, picked blueberries and strawberries, and gone swimming almost every day! I'll try to be better about capturing these moments on camera...
Happy summer!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Wedding #1
Educator of the Year
Anyways, congratulations Dr. Gooch! No one deserves this honor as much as you do.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
14 Things to Give Up
Give up your need to always be right. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question: “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?” Wayne Dyer.
Give up your need for control. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are.
Give up on blame. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility
Give up your self-defeating self-talk. Don’t believe everything that your mind is telling you – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating. You are better than that.
Give up your limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot do. Spread your wings and fly!
Give up complaining. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. It’s not the situation, but how you choose to look at it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.
Give up the luxury of criticism. We are all different, yet we are all the same.
Give up your need to impress others. When you embrace the real you, you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.
Give up your resistance to change. Change is good.
Give up labels. Minds only work when open.
Give up on your fears. Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist – you created it.
Give up the past. Be present in everything you do. Life is a journey not a destination.
Give up attachment. The moment you detach yourself from all things, (attachment comes from a place of fear, while love is pure, kind, and self less) you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. A state beyond words.
Give up living your life to other people’s expectations. Don’t ignore your inner voice, that inner calling. Don’t forget what makes you happy, what you want, what you need. You have one life – this one right now – you must live it, own it.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Spring Equinox
In yoga studios across the world, tomorrow is a special day. The spring equinox represents a change in seasons, and in the yoga world is celebrated by doing 108 Sun Salutations.
- There were initially 54 sounds in the Sanskrit alphabet: 2 X 54 = 108
- There are 108 Upanishads, which are part of the oldest scriptural textsof Hinduism. They primarily focus on philosophy, meditation, and the nature of God.
- There are 108 names for Hindu deities.
- The distance between the earth and sun is 108 times the diameter of the sun, therefore, the number 108 is taken to represent the "distance" from the devotee to the divine.
- Some say there are 108 feelings: 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.
Doing 108 Sun Salutations is a way of breaking out of the darkness that accumulated from the long winter. It's a way of "spring cleaning" your body and mind, and is used as an offering to Peace and Unity.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Just a Wednesday
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day
Monday, January 9, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Truthful Tuesdsay
A wonderful thing about life is that there are some thing we will never know. Why my Starbucks latte is never hot enough, why it always rains the day after I wash my car, why the jello in the dining halls is always low fat and blue when red is obviously the better color. And finally, you don’t know why this jerk isn’t texting you back. Maybe they don’t like you or are scared they like you too much. (Does the latter ever happen though? Do people ever get freaked out, like in a negative way, when they actually like someone and they know the person likes them back? Maybe they do. If so, we’re doomed.) You’re thinking of a myriad of different things while waiting for that response back. Most of which are some variant of “I’m not good enough. I probably smell weird. How am I supposed to get someone to love me when they can’t even send me a @#%& text message?”
You’ll never know the real reasons why they aren’t going to text you back. Trust me. It’s better not knowing. In addition to this, I think my single gals are short changing themselves. Let’s add a little variety and truth to the reasons why we’re single:
People bug me.
I’m holding out for a Sugar Daddy.
I’m allergic to testosterone.
Ryan Reynold’s doesn’t know who I am yet.
I refuse to sleep on anything less than 500 thread count sheets.
I know your grandmother, mother, aunt and annoying friend from elementary school all want to know why you “still don’t have a boyfriend”. I know we’re at the awkward phase where our highschool-prego friends all have toddlers and our college friends are getting engaged and it seems like the only exciting thing happening to your life is the new sweater you found on the clearance rack at the new H&M store. Even though society is telling us that men get to look like Seth Rogen and women have to look like Katherine Heigl, wouldn’t it be great if we held out a little longer?
Go to the mattresses! Fight. Fight to the death!