Monday, September 1, 2008

Henry Pool Is Here

Two weeks ago, my wonderful mother set up a evening for some friends from youth group to go see this movie together.
After the movie, I was talking to Hannah, Hannah, and Nicole about what we would say if someone asked us what the movie was about. Yes, I liked it. Yes, it was good. Yes, you should go see it. But there is not a whole lot more I can say. So I decided that I would reach out for this one. I looked up the review on Plugged In Online, and this is what I found:
What's eating Henry Poole?
No one knows, and he'd rather not say. He'd rather not talk to anyone if he can help it. He buys a nice little house in the Los Angeles suburbs, telling his real estate agent to not dicker over price. When she says she could at least get the owners to slap on a new coat of stucco, he cryptically says he won't live there long enough to care.
His diet consists of pizza, doughnuts and vodka. He spends his days sprawled on his couch, all the curtains drawn. If he's feeling really adventurous, he lounges on a plastic lawn chair in his bare backyard, his only entertainment listening to his beard grow.
"So, where are you from?" asks neighbor Esperanza, after taking him a plate of welcome-to-the-neighborhood tamales. "Not here," he says, closing the door.
Yeah, Henry is Eeyore without a tail, a morose sad sack who just wants to be left alone.
Too bad, then, that Henry's Realtor ignores his wishes and has the house restuccoed. Too bad the stucco guy botches the job and leaves behind a curious discoloration on one wall. Henry, naturally, thinks it's a water stain. Esperanza thinks it's a miracle—the face of Christ stamped on the side of Henry's nondescript dwelling. Soon, folks start making pilgrimages to Henry's home to touch the face and pay their respects.
And then the miracles begin. The mute talk. The blind (or, at least, the visually impaired) see (better). It's a wonder neighbors don't dig up dead loved ones and cart them to Henry's house in wheelbarrows.
Henry's not having any of it, though.
"I don't see anything," he tells Esperanza, peering at the wall.
"You're not looking," she answers.

Very good movie. Only PG so you can take all the "little" kids of the family. I found at the end a great need and desire to go out and do something good with my life. Or at least give a granola bar to the homeless man in Kansas City.

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