Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beau Soir

This was my French Diction debut, and I think it went quite nicely.

There's nothing quite like singing a song that Debussy wrote when he was 18 to really make you feel like you've accomplished nothing... But no worries, next week I plan on writing something that will knock his socks off!

Okay, that's a lie. However, I am going to starting recording (yay!). My amazing vocalist (also named Megan) has agreed to sing while I play the piano. We're starting with 'Eet' by Regina Spektor and 'Almost Lover' by A Fine Frenzy. Hopefully I will acquire some Nora Jones sheet music, and we'll just keep going from there! I'll be sure to post it here first, so check back soon!

1 comment:

Candise and Crew said...

Next time, we would like a snowball recording of YOUR actual French diction. Barbra is nice and all, but she can't hold a candle to you. I noticed at mass that your voice has matured and mellowed into something quite lovely.
Candise & Crew